Flavours from Our Region and Beyond - Towards Oulu's Year of European Capital of Culture 2026!

MKN Oulu

Yrityshankkeet· Ruokahankkeet

MKN maistuvaa meilta ja muualta

Purpose of the project is:

  • to develop the internationalisation of the food chain in North Ostrobothnia
  • to meet the expectations of the capital of culture year
  • to utilize the opportunities of the capital of culture year

The project is implemented in cooperation with the Arctic Food Lab (AFL) network, which operates in Oulu and 32 other municipalities of North Ostrobothnia, Kainuu and Southern Lapland. The AFL concept brands the food produced and processed in northern Finland, as well as the food tradition developed in Arctic conditions to international awareness.

The project strengthens and builds transnational and cross-country cooperation within the AFL network and ensures the benefits of partnerships for operators in North Ostrobothnia. With the cooperation, new innovations and good practices from other regions and countries are introduced to North Ostrobothnia. At the same time information is shared about the successes of our region. This supports the development of the food sector and businesses in the region and strengthens know-how. Companies in the area are informed about the possibilities of internationalisation.

In the project, regional and international follow-up actions are being prepared, for example by identifying the wishes and capacities of operators in the region to apply for the European Region of Gastronomy status and by planning implementation of an international food event. The overarching theme of the project is effective communication and information dissemination, which also includes the production of communication materials about North Ostrobothnia's raw materials and food products, as well as the food traditions.

More information:
Project manager Kaisa Myllykangas, Rural Women’s Advisory Organisation Oulu/ProAgria Oulu
E-mail: kaisa.myllykangas@maajakotitalousnaiset.fi
Phone number: +358400399865

Administrator: ProAgria Oulu ry
Budget: 77 334 €, AKKE support 54 134 €