Rural Women´s Advisory Centre (RWAC) of Eastern Finland
RWAC of Eastern Finland operates in North Karelia, North Savonia and Kainuu region. We employ 14 experts in food, business and landscape services and an executive director.

Rural Women´s Advisory Centre (RWAC) of Eastern Finland
Here in Eastern Finland, we are proud to present local, high-quality and delicious food and natural products from our region and want to enhance and increase the appreciation of Finnish food producers throughout the food system. We aim for a vibrant and an ecologically, economically and socially sustainable Eastern Finland by providing training, business services and events for consumers and entrepreneurs.
RWAC of Eastern Finland in numbers (2021)
130 associations at municipal and village level
900 volunteers
2,000 association members
1,000 entrepreneurial members
29,000 participants in our activities and projects
385 produced courses or events
96 different publications
Service sales for 192 customers
We offer expert services, consulting, planning, advice & training in fields of expertise:
Food and nutrition – We organise food courses, nutrition lectures and training
Landscape management - We offer diverse planning and expert services related to landscape and environmental management and planning
Entrepreneurship and business - We offer consultation and expert services for rural enterprises to increase the growth and competitiveness of rural enterprises.
Projects and other initiatives
Via Karelia - responsible food tourism via networking – project (2022 –2023)
The main goal of the project "Via Karelia - responsible food tourism via networking" is a responsible, more well-known, unified and attractive Via Karelia tourism route that offers experiences from local products. Via Karelia has previously been developed in its southern parts (South Karelia, North Karelia), this project implements similar measures in the northern parts (Kainuu, Northeast Finland, Eastern Lapland) with an emphasis on food tourism. The second implementer of the project is Northeast Finland's Development Company Naturpolis. The project is funded by Lapland Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment.
Food export Japan pilot (2022-2023)
Food export Japan pilot –project aims to produce up-to-date food industry data, open export channels and map the most important sales events and trade fairs for the companies in North Karelia interested in export to Japan. One of the key actions of this project is the networking journey to Tokyo on March 2023. The program will include business meetings, market research (packing, sales, pricing, sale channels) and visit to FOODEX 2023. Project is funded by the Regional council of North Karelia.
The ProYritys- project´s (2022-2023) mission is to promote rural vitality and economic and social sustainability, especially in sparsely populated rural areas. The project offers one counselling day free of charge, directs the client to regional development companies or organises special tendered expertise. Impact on regional economies; 1 million € annually
Karelia à la carte network
Each company in the Karelia á la carte network with its own food-related stories is a distinctive and interesting operator, well worth visiting. Locally produced flavours and food prepared with love are served with genuine North Karelian hospitality and joyfulness in natural, impressive environments where contemporary and cultural history goes hand in hand. The Karelia à la carte culinary tourism network currently includes 52 North Karelian food companies: restaurants, tourism companies, bakeries, other food processing companies and producers.
Contact us for further information
Jaana Puhakka, business expert, +358 40 301 2468
Anna Rinteinen, travel and business expert, +358 43 827 3703
National customer service number: 044 420 9000
We are part of nationwide Rural Women´s Advisory Organisation (RWAO) and ProAgria
Rural Women´s Advisory Organization is a nationwide expert organization in food, nutrition, business, rural landscape and environment. We form an extensive women's network in the rural areas.
Our 9 regional centres operate in connection with regional ProAgria Centres. Our 1 000 associations at municipal and village level offer a wide range of activities such as training courses, excursions and club meetings for over 30 000 members, making us one of the largest women’s organisations in Finland.
Our aim is to promote lively, active, and equal communities and strengthen women's role in the communities.
Our mission is to provide people with concrete tools for the increased interest in local food and its cultivation. We actively promote rural entrepreneurship and business opportunities and look after biodiversity, and sustainability in rural with landscape services and utilize digitalization in all our services and activities.
ProAgria is Finland's oldest, still working association (founded 1797) where to RWAO joined as a separate organization 89 years ago. We provide an extensive network of specialists and a wide range of services targeted to entrepreneurs; from farmers to small business owners who run businesses mainly in rural Finland. We are an active partner in cooperation with other Nordic countries and the Baltic region. We offer services such as consulting for business management, investments, financial management, plant and animal production, sales and marketing, R&D, personnel well-being, change of ownership, sustainability and rural environment services.
Ajankohtaista Itä-Suomesta
ProAgria Itä-Suomi ry
Y-tunnus: 0213380-0
Verkkolaskuosoite: 003702133800
Operaattori: BAWCFI22
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ProAgria Itä-Suomi ry
PL 880
Täältä löydät sinua lähinnä olevan aluetoimiston.
Itä-Suomen Maa- ja kotitalousnaisten piirijohtokunta
Tervo Tarja, Sotkamo
045 138 1399
Mujunen Anne, Joensuu
0500 285 906
Liimatainen Terhi, Vesanto
040 5626 937
Huttunen Ella, Kitee
050 361 8633
Karppinen Katariina, Lapinlahti
040 758 8812
Katainen Senja, Iisalmi
0500 185 901
Väisänen Kaija, Puolanka
0400 178 263