ClimateFood Study trip and seminar

Lähtö Rovaniemeltä, Torniosta tai Oulusta

ProAgria Oulu

Join us on the ClimateFood project study trip and discover how climate-smart food is being produced in our neighboring country. You can hop on the bus from Rovaniemi, Oulu, or Tornio. The study trip is open to everyone: food producers, food sector developers, and anyone interested.

Study trip is free of charge, but participants pay for their accommodation and first evening dinner by themselves.

Study trip programme

(All times are local; there is a one-hour time difference between Swedish and Finnish time) 
Subject to change

Thursday 22nd of August

8.00 Departure from Oulu or Rovaniemi

9.30 Short stop in Tornio

12.00 Lunch at Systrarna Rosenskära, Jämtön

14.15 Arrival at Öjebyn Agro Park
Field tour and walking discussion

17.45 Departure from Öjebyn Agro Park

18.00 Accommodation at Kust Hotell och Spa, Piteå, (payment made directly to the hotel)
Price: Approximately 1 800 SEK/twin room, 1700 SEK/single room.

19.00 Dinner at Pensionatet, Piteå, (payment made directly at the restaurant)
Price: 555 SEK/person for a three-course dinner, optional drink package tailored to the menu for 250 SEK/person. 

Friday 23nd of August

9.00 Seminar


  • Böle Kött och Potatis – higher diversity for better profitability
  • Noah Local Foods – big scale sales for small scale producers
  • Gröna Näringar/Piteå kommun – agricultural green development in rural municipalities

Round table discussion – future climate smart solutions in small and medium scale businesses

12.00 Lunch at Framnäs Folkhögskola

13.00 Departure to Finland

18.00 Arrival in Oulu or Rovaniemi

The trip includes bus transportation from Oulu/Rovaniemi to Piteå and back, lunch on both days of the study trip, scheduled site visits and seminar program, and interpretation between Swedish and Finnish.

Accommodation must be booked firmly upon registration but paid for individually on-site. Dinner on the arrival day must be reserved upon registration but paid for individually on-site.

Registration will open soon.

Read more about the event