Mushroom road - Sienitie
Guidance in use of natural products, especially in the picking and use of mushrooms.

Musroom road - sienitie
Sienitie-hankkeessa opastetaan luonnon raaka-aineiden hyödyntämiseen Pohjois-Satakunnan alueella. Tarkoituksena on vahvistaa Pohjois-Satakunnan asemaa houkuttelevana kansainvälisenä matkailukohteena ja lisätä alueen maaseutumatkailun kannattavuutta. Hankkeen tavoitteena on kehittää Pohjois-Satakunnasta osa kansainvälistä Mushroom road -sieniverkostoa. Opastamalla alueen asukkaita luonnon hyödyntämiseen matkailukohteena ja lähialueen raaka-aineiden käyttöön ruoanvalmistuksessa, nostamme alueen luontomatkailuarvoa.
Sieniretket Kankaanpäässä ja Merikarvialla
to 5.9.2019 klo 17.30 alkaen, Kankaanpää. Lue lisää.
ti 10.9.2019 klo 17.30 alkaen, Merikarvia. Lue lisää.
Mushroom road in English
Mushroom road project gives guidance in the use of natural products, especially in picking and use of mushrooms.
Project season -31.12.2019
- The target group is tourism entrepreneurs and consumers who are interested in natural products (area LAG Leader Pohjois-Satakunta).
- We guide in the use of natural products, especially the picking and use of mushrooms.
- One goal is to increase the attractiveness of the area as an international tourist destination and to strengthen rural tourism in the area.
- Forming the "Mushroom Road" -network with those interested in the same themes is also one of the goals.
- In the future, the aim is to brand mushrooming areas. Also we aim to develop our network through joint marketing, information exchange and know-how, how to move in the nature.
Goals and activities
- Promote the use of natural products in tourism
- Organizae information events
- theme eventsinfot ja teematilaisuudet
- Identify Mushroom Areas ”Where to find…”
- Contribute to mushroom tourism and guidance
- Mushroom excursions to pickers and those interested in collecting
- Increase the attractiveness of tourists to natural products (increasing demands).
- picking areas and permit practices
- benchmark, study trips
- Brainstorm regional flavors (Pohjois-Satakunta region), utilizing wild food in forest food services.
- The project has partners from Latvia, Lithuania and Italy and from Finland/ The Rural Women advisory Center of Etelä-Pohjanmaa
Mushroom road project can be found in Facebook Mushroom Road - for wildfood and mushroom lovers.
Rural Women’s Advisory Organisation in English