SERIGO - Social Economy for Resilience, Inclusion and Good life in Rural areas
SERIGO is conducting community-based research, fostering collaborations, and providing policy recommendations on how social innovation can enhance resilience, social inclusion, and well-being in European rural areas. The project is exploring innovative solutions initiated by or involving actors from the social economy. With a focused approach to addressing the challenges faced by rural communities, SERIGO is committed to harnessing the capabilities of social economy actors to drive inclusive development initiatives.

SERIGO co-creates five experimental pilot actions aimed at implementing socially innovative solutions and providing support to vulnerable groups in Austria, Estonia, Finland, Slovakia, and Slovenia. These pilots are empowering participants through multi-actor co-creation laboratories, improving social inclusion and encouraging active engagement within their communities.
Our pilot in Kainuu and North Karelia regions
Vulnerable group
Rural women at risk of isolation and marginalisation
A training programme in various areas such as business planning, customer service, and marketing skills. The objective is to simulate small-scale entrepreneurship for rural women and their associations and help enterprises facing workforce shortages and recruitment challenges in remote regions of Finland.
In connection with this project, the participants of the nation-wide Rural Parliament in Nurmes at the end of September were asked at our information stand what skills/skills especially women in sparsely populated rural areas need for entrepreneurship. In this word cloud you can see their thoughts:
SERIGO project is coordinated by the University of Eastern Finland and brings together 17 partners from 11 different EU countries: Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Rural and Mountain Research, Wageningen University & Research, Universida de Vigo, Eurac research, Fachhochschule Kärnten, University of Galway, Tallinn University, Zentrum für Soziale Innovation, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Cornelius University Bratislava, AEIDL (European Association for Innovation in Local Development), Võrumaa Partnerluskogu, Diakonie de La Tour, Prizma Foundation for Improvement of Employment Possibilities and Ostrava.
Please read more about the entity of the project here.