
MKN Oulu

Yrityshankkeet· Ruokahankkeet

In ClimateFood project our aim is to “climate-smarten” SME food businesses operating in different roles of food ecosystems in Finland (Northern Ostrobothnia, Lapland) and Sweden (Norrbotten, Västerbotten).

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Climate-smart food is a broad concept with different definitions depending on where and how food products are produced. Climate-smartness in the Northern Finland and Sweden does not necessarily mean the same as e.g. in Central or Southern Europe.

Companies operating in the North face challenges such as difficult weather conditions and long logistic distances typical to sparsely populated areas. On the other hand, these northern areas are known to be clean with production of raw materials using less pesticides and medicines. Arcticity as such may be seen as added value to the products and branding, but this is not efficiently utilized by all companies in our project area.

In ClimateFood project our aim is to “climate-smarten” SME food businesses operating in different roles of food ecosystems in Finland (Northern Ostrobothnia, Lapland) and Sweden (Norrbotten, Västerbotten). We study the latest research data and companies’ best practices in order to identify opportunities for climate-smarting food businesses, including collaborative regional and cross-border activities.

We work for increasing the adaptation of the identified climate-smart practices in food businesses and food value chains. We encourage the companies to expand their cooperation networks also to the other side of the border by establishing a cross-border network cooperation, that will boost the transfer of knowledge and success stories related to climate-smart practices and their adoption in food businesses.

For the SMEs, the project offers first-hand access to all the activities and results related to developing, evaluating, upgrading and adopting climate-smart practices for food businesses. In addition, the SMEs are provided the benefits of cross-border network cooperation covering the Northern parts of Finland and Sweden.

Project is financed by Interreg Aurora Programme.


27.11.2024 Bättre lönsamhet genom klimatsmarta metoder

15.2.2024 Together for Climate Smart Food in the North, webinar/Rovaniemi/Luleå

4.12.2023 Klimatsmart mat i fokus i svensk-finskt samarbete | Article in Gröna Affärer, Hushållningssällskapet

23.11.2023 Matigt nätverksbyggande på studieresa i Finland | Hushållningssällskapet

22.11.2023 Pohjoisesta ponnistetaan maailmalle – maakunta- ja maarajat ylittävää verkostoa rakentamassa, Aitoja Makuja -verkkolehti

Sustainable development

ClimateFood project contributes to social, ecological and economic sustainable development. We aim to pay attention to sustainability in our every-day work. We have chosen as the project’s primary goals the goals 

  • 8. (Decent Work and Economic Growth)
  • 9. (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) 
  • 12. (Responsible Consumption and Production)
  • 13. (Climate Action)
  • 17. (Partnerships for the goals).

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